Chunichi Kid’s Weekly and Nihon TV program “Hirunandesu!” Chunichi Kid’s Weekly and Nihon TV program “Hirunandesu!”
VegeProject gives seminar on vegan recipe development in Kagoshima’s Kiyomizu area VegeProject gives seminar on vegan recipe development in Kagoshima’s Kiyomizu area
Plant-based menus are on sale at the cafeterias in the Shinjuku and Kita Ward office Plant-based menus are on sale at the cafeterias in the Shinjuku and Kita Ward office
VegeProject advises Ministry of Tourism’s initiative to make Ikaho area more veg-friendly VegeProject advises Ministry of Tourism’s initiative to make Ikaho area more veg-friendly
VegeProject Holds Vegan Booths at Omiya Marui’s “SDGs Fair 2021” VegeProject Holds Vegan Booths at Omiya Marui’s “SDGs Fair 2021”
Taito City to hold “Food Diversity (Vegans & Vegetarians) Inclusion” Webinar Taito City to hold “Food Diversity (Vegans & Vegetarians) Inclusion” Webinar
Introducing new VegeProject Vegan Certified products coming out in March!! Introducing new VegeProject Vegan Certified products coming out in March!!
Currently registering: Webinar on plant-based trends! Currently registering: Webinar on plant-based trends!