On Monday, 16th of January 2023, during NHK WORLD-JAPAN’s program called “Culture Crossroads”, there was a special feature titled “Living the Plant-Based Life in Tokyo”.

In that special feature, the subjects covered were, among other things, VegeProject certifications, VegeProject representative Haruko Kawano’s advisory role in Tokyo Metropolitan Government (details below), the vegan menus at the student cafeteria of Tokyo University, and the comments of the student intern who was involved in the realization of this new menu.

     (Haruko Kawano advising a restaurant owner)           (VegeProject student intern interviewed at Todai)


This special feature can be seen on demand from the link below:

NHK WORLD-JAPAN Culture Crossroads “Living the Plant-Based Life in Tokyo


Details about Tokyo’s vegetarian and vegan advisory services:

Haruko Kawano, the founder and the representative director of VegeProject is offering advisory services on vegetarian and vegan catering, as part of a project led by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government and called “Project to better welcome Muslims and other people from various cultures”.

The advisory services are offered free of charge to restaurants, stores, hotels, and other tourism businesses in Tokyo. As the advisor Haruko can visit the business, answer questions and offer advice.

As seen in the NHK WORLD-JAPAN special features, Haruko visited the owner of a well-established ramen shop to discuss and offer advice. In order to move one step at a time towards a world where it is easier to live a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle, we are happy to help support the businesses who decided to take that first step.

We will offer this advisory service until March of this year, so to all the businesses in Tokyo, please feel free to contact us and use this service.

[Detailed examples of services offered]

Lecture on the basics of vegetarian and vegan lifestyles
Advice specifically tailored for every business
Proposal of vegetarian and vegan ingredients
Opportunity to taste ingredients
Advertisement cooperation
Multilingual translations

[Who can participate]

Up to 60 restaurants in Tokyo*
Up to 60 stores, hotels, and other tourism businesses*
*(participants are chosen on a first-come-first-served basis)

[Recruitment period]

Until Wednesday, 15th of March, 2023

For more details, please follow the link below (in Japanese only):