【Restaurants Wanted!】Tokyo Government Publish Vegan/Vegetarian Guidebook 【Restaurants Wanted!】Tokyo Government Publish Vegan/Vegetarian Guidebook
Organic EXPO’s first vegan corner! VegeProject to hold booth on SDGs and sell Vegan Lucky Bags! Organic EXPO’s first vegan corner! VegeProject to hold booth on SDGs and sell Vegan Lucky Bags!
【Toyama Prefecture】VegeProject is expert advisor on serving for vegetarian and vegan needs 【Toyama Prefecture】VegeProject is expert advisor on serving for vegetarian and vegan needs
School library book introduces Meatfree Monday as an environmental initiative School library book introduces Meatfree Monday as an environmental initiative
Toyama Prefecture holds seminar on post-Covid tourism, VegeProject participates as lecturer on providing for vegetarians Toyama Prefecture holds seminar on post-Covid tourism, VegeProject participates as lecturer on providing for vegetarians
Shinjuku City Hall, Kitaku City Hall, and JICA Tokyo Dining Hall serve plant-based meals to celebrate Earth Day Shinjuku City Hall, Kitaku City Hall, and JICA Tokyo Dining Hall serve plant-based meals to celebrate Earth Day
Parliamentary League for the Promotion of Plant-Based Options Convenes Parliamentary League for the Promotion of Plant-Based Options Convenes
Everyday items become vegan as well: bags, makeup, leather cream, aroma spray Everyday items become vegan as well: bags, makeup, leather cream, aroma spray
New vegan products on the market–chocolate, frozen dumplings, tomato soup, and ketchup! New vegan products on the market–chocolate, frozen dumplings, tomato soup, and ketchup!