As people in Japan are beginning to pay more attention to SDGs and vegan lifestyle, VegeProject is enjoying several opportunities to share its mission and the latest vegan trend through media.

In this article, we will cover some of the media appearances we’ve made.

【Magazine “MORE”】 VegeProject was featured two pages spread

Takuya Kimura, a famous actor in Japan appears on the cover of MORE May issue which was released on March 28, 2022. The extra edition of the magazine is covered by a model, Hiroe Igeta.

In the magazine, “Ige-chan no kotsu kotsu SDGs, いげちゃんのコツコツSDGs” (Ige-chan familiarizes herself with SDGs related topics) is serialized, and the model Igeta interviews people who are working towards the Sustainable Development Goals.

In the newest edition of the MORE, VegeProject, which is an organization making actions to increase the vegan options in Japan, got interviewed.

The article covers many vegan related topics, such as the connection between vegan lifestyle and SDGs, the definition of vegan, the way to adopt vegan lifestyle from today, and even the reasons the founder/representative of the VegeProject Japan, Haruko Kawano, became vegan.

The Vegan Certificate we provide to companies and restaurants was also introduced. Igeta tried and reviewed many of the vegan products, such as hamburger made from soy meats, vegan cup noodle, and frozen pasta from Oh’my, which is a brand from the food company nippn.

We are so glad that our activities were covered in detail. Please take a look at the MORE May issue if you can.

VegeTime Article:人気雑誌「MORE」5月号は見開き2Pでヴィーガン特集! (English version is not available)


【Radio, FM Aichi】VegeProject appeared in Brother presents Music Earth


The representative of the VegeProject, Kawano was invited to the radio program hosted by Cocoro and it was broadcasted on March 22, 2022.

“Brother presents Music Earth” is presented by the Brother Group, a global corporation which manufactures and sells machines such as printers.

Kawano talked on the topic of “The connection of SDGs and alternative foods”. She also discussed alternative meats and fish and why their demands is becoming bigger.

Alternative meats, such as soy meats and pea beans meat is gradually becoming available.
Though alternative fish isn’t widely available yet, the “Marude Sakana, まるで魚 (It’s like fish)” series released by the Azuma Foods last year is drawing attentions.

Just like the host Cocoro said in the beginning of the program, “We will give listeners a clue on how to maintain the beautifully blue earth we live in, with the sound we would like to leave for the coming generations”, we expect that we could tell the possibilities of alternative foods to many people.


【TV show in Hokuriku area】Appeard in a local TV Show

On March 29, Vegan Japanese confectionery was featured in “Reota”, an information program of a local broadcaster MRO in the Hokuriku District,
Along with the business carried out by a vegan certified store, YUKIMATSUKYOKUSHOUDOU [行松旭松堂], VegeProject, as a vegan expert, had an opportunity to talk about vegan lifestyles, including the impact and tips for incorporating vegan choices into daily life.


【Free Paper】Vegan Certigficate Mark appeared

『A free paper ”Ethical, Kokokara(Ethical starts from this place)” whose theme is “explaining simply about SDGs in daily life” contains a lot of information on SDGs with practical tips that we can apply easily.
In its Spring 2022 edition, the VegeProject Vegan Certicate Mark is featured as “the mark for the people who want to stay away from animal exploitation.”

You an find a copy of “Ethical, Kokokara” at over 150 stores and locations throuighout Japan, including Solid&Strong BAG STORE, a vegan bag manufacturer and store.


We are very grateful that various media such as TV and radio shows, free paper and magazines cover vegan life.
VegeProject continues to promote vegan options by making vegan choices available, as we believe it is beneficial for humans, animals, and our mother Earth.