The “Project to better welcome Muslims and other people from various cultures”, held by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, was launched again this year.
Within this project, there will be advisors and seminars set up to create an environment in which people from various cultures, including Muslims, as well as vegetarians and vegans, will be able to enjoy visiting Tokyo with peace of mind.

VegeProject’s representative Haruko Kawano will be collaborating with the project as a moderator at the seminar and as an advisor for business to make steps welcoming vegetarians and vegans.
Using these opportunities in the project are free. So, to anyone in Tokyo who wants to know about how to prepare their business to welcome vegetarians and vegans, as well as those who already are taking actions but want to make their business better, please feel free to apply to participate in this project.
Advisors are there to give advice, in-person or online, to companies and other institutions with questions regarding vegetarian, vegan or plant-based lifestyles.
Examples of services offered:
・Giving basic lectures on vegetarian and vegan.
・Giving specific advice relevant to different companies.
・Suggesting vegetarian or vegan cooking ingredients.
・Holding a tasting party.
・Helping with the creation of advertisement.
・Helping with multilingual communications.
Who can apply to participate in the project:
・Restaurants in Tokyo (Maximum capacity: 60 companies)*
・Hotels, stores and other businesses related to tourism in Tokyo (Maximum capacity: 60 companies)*
*Applications will be accepted in order of arrival.
Application Period:
Until the 15th of March 2023 (Wednesday)
Please check the website below for more details:
A total of 8 conferences will cover the basics of Muslim, vegetarian and vegan lifestyles, among others. VegeProject’s representative Haruko Kawano will be the moderator for the 5th conference of the seminar covering vegetarian and vegan lifestyles.
5th conference : vegetarian and vegan lifestyles
Looking forward to an increase in tourism to Japan as well as an increase in demands for tourism related businesses, more and more restaurants in Tokyo are working on increasing their vegetarian and vegan options in order to attract a greater diversity of tourists. In this conference, we will observe the examples of two companies, and share advice on menu creation, suppliers, PR methods, and more.
Date and time:
On the 27th of October 2022 (Thursday) 14:00ー15:30
Mr. Shiro Mitsuya, a master chef of Tokyo Business Service
Mr. Kay Bayles, director of Alishan Park
Haruko Kawano, founder and representative of the NPO VegeProject Japan.
Who can apply to participate in the project:
Restaurants, hotels, stores and other businesses related to tourism in Tokyo (Maximum capacity for each event: 70 people)*
*Applications will be accepted in order of arrival.
Application period for the seminar:
Until the 24th of October 2022 (Monday)
Please check the website below for more details on the application method and the content and schedule of the 8 conferences:
Bureau of Industrial and Labor Affairs of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government: