Famous Japanese candy, “Kanro ame”, from  Kanro Inc. has received VegeProject’s vegan certificate, and has added the vegan certified mark to their new packaging.

This candy  is known for its unique taste of both saltiness and sweetness, since soy sauce is one of the main ingredients of this product. “Kanro ame” has been developing its flavor to meet the needs of the ever-changing market. With this, “Kanro ame” decided to incorporate VegeProject’s vegan certificate to appeal to the progressively diverse eating habits and lifestyles of today’s Japan.

A brand representative of “Kanro ame” from Kanro Inc. says that they hope obtaining this vegan certificate will lead to receiving even more demand for this candy from overseas.

The new packaging has been released in late July in 2020.

For more detailed information, please check the following article (Japanese);


【Kanro Inc.】

Opera city building 37F, 3-20-2,Nishishinjuku,Shinjuku-ku,Tokyo
Official HP: https://www.kanro.co.jp/en/
Product detail  : https://www.kanro.co.jp/en/product/detail/id=619
Press release:https://prtimes.jp/main/html/rd/p/000000105.000041274.html  (Japanese)