“Vege Ramen Soup (Tonkotsu taste-like)” is now on sale for industrial use from Mitsubishi Corporation Life Sciences. It is certified as a vegan by VegeProject Japan and a vegan mark is on the product.

This product performs very well with rich Tonkotsu (mainly made from pork born) taste-like soup without using any kinds of animal products.

This Vege Ramen Soup makes it possible for many shops including ramen shops, restaurants and hotels etc. to become great tuned into vegan and vegetarian because it’s easy and delicious.

You can use this soup not only for a ramen but also for various kinds of dishes and it is useful that it can also be used as dashi stocks.

For more information of the product, check out VEGETIME from here (written in Japanese.)


In this moment, we are on a campaign that give our 1o social medias’ followers this soup samples for 3 meals!

A campaign is  to be held till August 15. Please check how to apply on our Instagram, Facebook and Twitter‘s post.

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【プレゼント✨GIVE AWAY Campaign】#ヴィーガン とんこつ風ラーメン🍜 三菱商事ライフサイエンスさんより業務用で発売中の#動物性不使用 のと〜っても濃厚な豚骨ラーメンスープは、#ヴィーガン認証 を取得されヴィーガンマーク付き🌱こちらのスープ3食分をベジプロのフォローさんにプレゼントします🎁詳細と応募方法はこの投稿の下部をご覧ください✨別途、業務用で利用を検討される方はDMでご連絡ください👍#ベジタイム の記事はこちら👉https://vegetime.net/vegan-tonkotsu-ramen/ ✨Vegan product campaign✨The #tonkotsu #ramen #vegancertified by VegeProject will be given to 10 #vegeproject followers 😀🍜This product is made by Mitsubishi Corporation Life Science Limited and selling mainly to business like restaurants and hotels. Without any #animal ingredients 🐷, the soup is really TONKOTSU, which will surely surprise you! To apply for this campaign, please read as below. 【応募方法】DMまたはevent@vegeproject.orgにお名前、ご住所、ご利用されているSNSアカウント、ご自身の食生活(例: ベジタリアン、ヴィーガン、〇〇は食べない、何でも食べる、など)を連絡→抽選により10名の方にラーメンスープ3食分を送付させて頂きます。 【応募条件】 🍀ベジプロジェクトのアカウント(fb, instagram, Twitter)の少なくともいずれかのフォロワーさん 🍀試食後にベジタイムの紹介記事とスープの感想をご自身のSNSアカウントでシェア頂けること 🍀発送先が日本国内であること 【応募期限】2020/8/15まで 【How to apply】 Send your name, postal address, your social media’s account and your diet style to VegeProject’s direct message or event@vegeproject.org→ 10 our followers will be selected by lottery and if you are chosen, the ramen soup will be arrived to your postal address. 【This will be give to 】 🍀VegeProject’s followers 🍀Those who can write comment about it and share VegeTime article on your social media after tasting the ramen. 🍀Inside of Japan. 【Campaign period】 Until 15th August 2020 . #veganjapan #veganramen #animalfree #mitsubishi #veganfood #campaign #present #ベジプロジェクト #ヴィーガンマーク #ラーメン #プレゼント #キャンペーン #ヴィーガンラーメン #豚骨ラーメン #簡単料理 #ベジタリアン #ビーガン #応募 #三菱 #プラントベース

A post shared by VegeProject NPO法人ベジプロジェクト (@vegeproject_japan) on

【Mitsubishi Life Sciences】

Official web site:https://www.mcls-ltd.com/
Introducing site of this product:https://ajibana.jp/closeup/2019/12/041200.html
Press release:https://www.mcls-ltd.com/news/pdf/20191122.pdf
Store site: