On March 19, 2021, the “Seminar on Diversity in Food” hosted by the Tourism Division of Taito City Office was held online. VegeProject Japan representative Haruko Kawano and Mr. Fumio Yonezawa, executive chef of The Burn from Asakusa, served as lecturers. The seminar was mainly targeted at businesses in the tourist city of Taito, and it was held online for free in light of the impact of the coronavirus.

Kawano shared fundamental knowledge about vegetarian and vegan catering, which has seen an increase in demand domestically in recent years. In the seminar, she explained the latest trends of the market, the importance of accommodating to this new demand and specific and practical know-how related to menu development.

Mr. Yonezawa spoke about the background and success stories of implementing vegan options at The Burn. He provided insights from his global experiences and knowledge of the food service industry’s realities, offering hints on what should be done and how to start preparing for the inevitable recovery of inbound tourism.