VegeProject Japan facilitated vegan catering at a major yoga event held on Sunday, June 9, 2024, in Yamanakako Village.

This event was the highlight in a series of yoga sessions organized by Patanjali Japan Foundation in alignment with “International Day of Yoga”. The event received the support of the Indian Embassy, the Village of Yamanakako, the Yamanakako Village Board of Education, Yamanakako Tourist Association and our organization, VegeProject Japan.

With Mount Fuji as a backdrop, the festival took place outdoors at Yamanakako Communication Plaza Kirara, and was attended by approximately 200 people.

In the past, VegeProject Japan’s representative Haruko Kawano facilitated the connection between former vegan restaurant owner, Yumi Kashiwagi, and Patanjali Japan Foundation founder and event organizer, Ashutosh Singh. On this occasion, Yumi Kashiwagi led the event organization, and we provided support by reaching out to food providers to serve vegan food at the event.

The event began with traditional Indian dance and music, and a ceremony led by Ashutosh Singh. Following Mayor Shoichiro Takamura of Yamanakako Village, our representative Kawano gave a speech sharing her experiences as a former non-vegetarian India, a country known for its large vegetarian population. She recounted how, when choosing meals, she was often asked whether she preferred the “vegetarian or non-vegetarian” menu. This experience, she noted, helped her realize that she did not want to deliberately consume animal products when there was an alternative.

Food trucks participated at the venue, including PIZZA BUONO, which offered vegan pizza using plant-based cheese for the first time at this event. Osawa Shoten provided smoothies made from fruits such as Yamanashi-grown grapes, strawberries, mangoes, and “sunki,” a pickle made from fermented red turnip leaves. Grace Cadeau offered vegan scones with dried fruits, with the highlight being dried Shine Muscat grapes from Yamanashi, adding a spot-on soft sweetness and texture.

The event was blessed with perfect weather, allowing participants to enjoy a yoga session while contemplating the cloud-shrouded Mount Fuji.

This project was a collaborative effort, involving the dedicated organizing team, the stores offering vegan dishes, and all the participants who joined us. We deeply appreciate the inclusion of vegan options in the event, and are grateful for the opportunity to contribute to this meaningful experience.