Requesting Copies of
Tokyo VegeMap (2023-2024)

Before paying the fee, please contact us through our email

We will reply to you within 3 days.

If you would like to receive the VegeMap somewhere in Japan, it costs 300 yen for 1 copy and for more than two, an added 100 yen per copy.
This fee covers our expenses for creating, printing, and sending.

Bank Transfer

■ From YUCHO bank
Code: 10150
Number: 86163871

■ From other banks
*Fees between financial institutions may apply.
Financial institution number: 9900
Name of the branch: 018
(zero ichi hachi)
Type of account: Regular
Number: 8616387
VegeProject Japan

Credit Card

Click on the following button according to your place and the number of copies you want.
VISA, Master Card, and AMEX are accepted.

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Sending abroad.
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